We want to see New England transformed with the love of Jesus, and pursue that by helping the Church make disciples, do justice, and foster unity to share Jesus. Here's how we do it!
Make Disciples​
The Church in Action Program
Each week Vision New England talks with leaders about what God is doing here and how they support His work, to enable us to learn from each other as we pursue the creation of disciples. The Church in Action is broadcast on seven Life Changing Radio stations, Facebook, YouTube, and can be found wherever you stream your favorite podcasts.
Provide Leader Training, Coaching and Soul Care
We are partners with Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary’s Center for Urban Ministry Education grant from the Lilly Endowment, to provide training and coaching to ministries looking to understand, adapt, and thrive in our context as we pursue the Great Commission as outlined in Matthew 28.

Do Justice​
Host THRIVE Events
We also partner with pastors in regions to host THRIVE events focused on doing justice in our communities. THRIVE brings together believers in a region like Cape Cod (pictured above), to talk about what’s “broken or missing,” in other words, injustice, and what believers can do to help their churches and communities THRIVE. Through THRIVE, believers learn about and plug into ministries, start ministries, and collaborate to enable them to THRIVE, addressing issues like addiction, disability, mental health, and racial healing.

Foster Unity
Over the years, Vision New England has invested in building networks based on some affinity that enables leaders to share, learn from, and collaborate with each other, while building the deeper friendships Jesus prayed for in John 17. Today, we support more than 15 of these networks, helping leaders in their role as senior pastors, discipleship pastors, mission pastors, women in Christian leadership, etc.
Each year we work with and support partner networks like BMA Tenpoint in Greater Boston, the Fellowship of Hispanic Pastors of New England (COPAHNI), denominations with a New England presence, Joni and Friends New England, Gordon College, and many others.
Vision New England has also prepared a series of on-demand training videos on practical ministry needs, meant for leaders who may not have formal training, or had training that didn’t cover that need. Topics include an introduction to ministry leadership, church finances, capital campaigns, and strategic planning. You can find these and more for free here.
We support affiliate ministries like Breathe, Mast, and the Strategic Leadership Network that provide soul care, coaching, and mentoring for pastors, while also offering church consulting and less formal coaching opportunities through our employees and network.
... All to Share Jesus!